Sunday 11 October 2015

Huang Di Noodle Palace @ Bandar Menjalara, Kepong

Wondering where to have a good meal but with limited budget especially during the month end? hahaha~ well, I understand how it feel, truly. I thought of having soup since it been almost a week that I did not have any, therefore after look around the net, both me and my husband decide to try Restaurant Siong Ben Soup House. It was located at Bandar Menjalara, Kepong and trust me the parking is really full and pack during lunch, after about 20 minute we finally manage to get a parking and we decided to have lunch at the Huang Di Noodle Palace instead because we park directly in front of the shop. There are another reason why we decide to dine-in there;

Whole Charcoal Roast Duck - RM19.90

Hahaha~ this is the exact reason, once we saw the promotion and it was unable to resist. As you may see the whole roast duck is not as meaty as expected and I had to agree, may be this duck is too thin but I do like the crispy skin, Does it remind us on the Peking Duck?

Shark Fin soup - RM9.90

I know some people are again having shark fin and I am not really fan of shark fin. However, that is the only soup on promotion so no harm trying. The soup is just so so and shark fin? I am not sure if it really shark fin or fish fin but still not bad since they serve it hot.

XO Chicken Feet - RM6.00

This is the only dish that I feel not worth, and the taste not my favorite, and is totally different from the picture. Besides, I think they might put too much wine or vinegar it make the bean-curd taste bit sour, well, it seem like is my husband favorite dish - chicken feet... 3 pieces of chicken feets + 4 pieces of beancurd, is it worth the price?

Herbal King - RM5.50/each

This is totally the King price, this herbal drink which cost me RM5.50 but trust me is really nice and smooth, if I not mistaken I do taste fresh shark fin melon with longan and lou hon guo. Not only it was refreshing but it really had open my appetite.

Another thing which I felt is quite pricey would be the rice at RM2.00 per bowl. They have lots regular whom come for for the noodles. Overall, the food is recommendable. Next time, I would be back for they noodles for sure. I think we make a good choice to try this restaurant after all and it must thanks to their big banner at the entrace.

shop entrance

I was impress on their COKE collection

My table number~ nice ler

The total bill come up to RM 50.80 with no service or GST charge. So far is still affordable right? The best thing happen is we happen to park in front of the shop because it was raining by the time we leaving, lucky perhaps?! Now, I do believe in fate, do you?  


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